T-Mobile w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneT-Mobile



🕗 godziny otwarcia

3696, Nostrand Avenue, 11235, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-934-3414
strona internetowej: www.t-mobile.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.5936213, Longitude: -73.9409326

komentarze 5

  • Candys Land

    Candys Land


    This T-Mobile location is very unprofessional. The staff doesn’t show concern for customers. They make you wait over 30 minutes while they tend to customers that they know very well. I visited on a Saturday and watched very old people stand around and wait for about 30 minutes because they didn’t want to lose their spot on the line. There’s no order, customers come in and make up a line for themselves to stand in order. They lie and tell customers that the wait is because of slow machines. We are in 2018 cut the bull..... there’s no way your machine are THAT slow. All of this high speed technology that they’re selling and you are telling me you’re machines and computers are running slow. Finally two staff miraculously appeared from the back of the store to help the struggling female (African American decent) and male ( European decent with glasses) that were on the floor tending to customers. I am just sitting here laughing at this entire situation. I decided to write this review because this not only happened once to me but each time I visit this location. It’s sickening. I’ll never visit this location again. I live close by but I try my best not to come into this location.

  • indestructible89



    Very friendly staff and they help u on all ur questions

  • en

    David Vayman


    Horrible customer service !!! Sold my father a screen protector for $40 which is a rip off and didn’t even help him put it on. I used to work for a cell phone store and every customer that purchase a protector had it professionally done perfectly installed. If you’re going to make a 4000% profit on product at least have the decency to help an elderly man put it on.

  • Ethan Jordan

    Ethan Jordan


    Some of them are not very good, all they do is lie to you about the service and price, charging you more money that they are suppose to and lazy to refund after you already paid. They never have the merchandise you looking for "at least the new ones" a lot of them are just the display unit

  • en

    Joe Flaco


    Crappy customer service over the phone half of the employees don't know simple tec support over all the worst T-Mobile I've been to yet even T-Mobile in the mall takes the time out to help... what a shame

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