T-Mobile i East Islip

Forenede StaterT-Mobile



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304, East Main Street, 11730, East Islip, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 631-388-5900
internet side: www.t-mobile.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 40.7334486, Longitude: -73.1758098

kommentar 5

  • Jennifer Vasta

    Jennifer Vasta


    I went to this location based on the reviews and they did not disappoint! Edwin was so helpful, patient and knowledgeable! I would highly reccomend going there over any other locations

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    lea bella


    I went to check out for an upgrade and the rep eddie is amazing he has offered so many great accessories for my phone at a discount price. The Manager Vee was so helpful as well. I give 5 stars plus more. Thank you for being amazing at what you do. I recommend everyone to shop for there mobile devices here, you will not regret it! They are simply the BEST! xox

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    Jennifer Morrissey Reisinger


    We had been thinking about switching over from another carrier for some time. We had heard about T mobile through friends and went into the store on Main Street in East Islip (which I remember was owned by someone else and has since been sold to new owners) Victoria and Vee took care of all of our questions , were helpful and eager to be sure we had all the information we needed. Not only did we switch over 6 phones but we added another 2 !!! I have been recommending this store to friends and family if they want to save money, have wonderful customer care and the plumber save money !!

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    R. Rabie


    I was assisted by Vianca and Victoria last week and they were wonderful! They were both very knowledgeable about the products and helped me switch from ATT in a very timely manner and reduced what I was paying prior and with even more features. They were able to give me a better deal than other stores I was shopping around with. I walked out with 4 new devices and all with awesome cases. The best part is I was able to keep all 4 numbers when I switched over from ATT. highly recommend this store and these wonderful people to work with :)

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    Ed Ward


    This is the only T-Mobile store that I will be visiting from here on out. The customer service is excellent, they are the most helpful out of all of the T-Mobile stores that I have ever stepped foot in. I am surprised they are not as busy as the Central Islip location. I love my new iPhone X and the phone service is better than Verizon which I'm glad I left.

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