T-Mobile w Tustin

Stany ZjednoczoneT-Mobile



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2837, Park Avenue, 92782, Tustin, Orange County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 714-258-8992
strona internetowej: www.t-mobile.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.696795, Longitude: -117.825549

komentarze 5

  • Darshan Thimlapura Paramashivaiah

    Darshan Thimlapura Paramashivaiah


    The people here are really friendly. They answer all your questions without getting irritated. Amazing service and I am happy about my purchase.

  • Billy Chamberlin

    Billy Chamberlin


    I read the negative review posted about the new store that just went up at the District and I need to say that was definitely not my experience. Yes, there was some upselling. Truth is, it is my fault that I was able to be upsold. I have only been treated promptly and respectfully. I was not lied to and no one was overly pushy. I have worked in customer service before and understand that this probably has to do with commission. I switched from Verizon and am saving over $100 per month. This has definitely been a good switch for me and this store really helped me out.

  • Alejandra Perez

    Alejandra Perez


    I went into this t-mobile frustrated about my other carrier. They were so helpful and saved me over $100. I am so happy I went in when I did. I recommend everyone to check them out. They are super friendly and they care about the customer, not just their sales.

  • en

    Melrose Gregory


    The best T-Mobile store in town. I was helped by the friendly staff. They looked at my account and helped me save serious money on my account. I was super frustrated with the T-Mobile store in Irvine, so I was not the easiest customer. Luckily I live near this location so I will be frequenting it more and more !

  • en

    just me


    Went to that store because of a flier they put out in the neighborhood on their new opening, to switch over from my current carrier. They assured me several things that were outright a lie. First they promised I would get a company discount, which I found out after switching that was discontinued. Because of my good credit they said no down payment charge on a new phone, then found my credit card was charged twice. They promised a soft credit check, but upon checking my credit report, it was reported as a hard pull. I would very strongly recommend staying away from this store, because they will outright lie to you to get your business, in addition to being very pushy with up selling stuff you don't need or ask for. Luckily I was able to cancel and go back to my old carrier.

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