T-Mobile i Jersey City

Forenede StaterT-Mobile



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248, Central Avenue, 07307, Jersey City, Hudson County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 201-795-1412
internet side: www.t-mobile.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 40.7433655, Longitude: -74.0510286

kommentar 5

  • Ajinkya Rasam

    Ajinkya Rasam


    They have their own policies which are very different from TMobile policies. I could not get my phone exchanged in spite being in 14 day return period.

  • RebbucHawk04 0404 ; ; ;

    RebbucHawk04 0404 ; ; ;


    Local T Mobile located on very busy Central Ave. in Jersey City. Parking is a premium but can be had if you are a little patient. We started with T Mobile at their Rt 22 Union NJ store. Should have gone with closer. Talked with Victoria about plan, new Samsung phone, and a neat little lab retriever looking speaker. Overall a large store front with a nice display of different models of phones and other little goodies(ie. speaker). A whole lot easier than going to Rt 22.

  • en

    madelin centeno


    If I could give them a zero I would. Wait time in this store is ridiculous!!!!! They don’t even acknowledge you while your standing there. Taking my business to another store.

  • en



    I’ve been to this store twice! Today was my last time, there is a guy that works at this store who appears more interested in what music is playing which appears to be always his preference, previous visit while he was supposed to be attending to us the customers he kept playing with his phone changing music searching for songs, I know this because I was right next to him. I went today for an item he stated they did not have, the other T-Mobile staff member told him they might have it suggested he go look, only then he did it, once confirmed it was not available I was going to ask him if he could check with another store meaning calling but he cut me off and said we don’t access to see other stores, never bothered to let me finish. As I’m walking out of the store the other team member I guess reminded him there was the option of ordering the item at which point he did I just said no! T-Mobile needs to Pat attention and make sure their staff is customer friendly and ready to help not behave as if they are doing us a favor!

  • Magdelina G

    Magdelina G


    Great service. Better than the 800 number. I leave here happy.

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