Synergy Fitness Club East Islip i East Islip

Forenede StaterSynergy Fitness Club East Islip



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269, East Main Street, 11730, East Islip, Suffolk County, US ארצות הברית
kontakter telefon: +1 631-277-7610
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Latitude: 40.7345264, Longitude: -73.178241

kommentar 5

  • Pablo Benenaula

    Pablo Benenaula


    Totally disappointed.. too pricy for old and outdated gym %70 of machines are old and in bad shape .. stuf giana not helpful .. did not show me the entire gym .. seems like she was rushing to go back to the counter and started texting on her cellphone Not even showed me a schedule of classes I wont go back to this place anymore.

  • Nicholas Converso

    Nicholas Converso


    Horrible policies. Don’t join.

  • Marian Cardone

    Marian Cardone


    I hear the gym is good and reasonable, but I wish they had student rates. I called and was told there is basically one membership at $100 down and $39.99/month. There are already two older kids in my house going there, but I'm not sure if my yougest is going to go too much. Pricey just to try a few times. May not be so bad if there wasn't a sign up fee.

  • en



    Great place to work out everyone is friendly

  • en

    Eileen Bowden


    Convenient, clean, reasonable to join

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