Sweetleaf Coffee Roasters en New York

Estados UnidosSweetleaf Coffee Roasters



🕗 horarios

10-93, Jackson Avenue, 11101, Queens County, New York, US United States
contactos teléfono: +1 917-832-6726
sitio web: www.sweetleaflic.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.7432927, Longitude: -73.9515119

comentarios 5

  • Charlotte Martin

    Charlotte Martin


    Cozy, friendly staff. But what keeps me away is the music. When I was there it was all loud pop music. Kinda kills the calm, focused vibe they’ve otherwise totally nailed.




    Record room is pretty awesome. Nice cozy spot for a tea or coffee. Wish they had lemons though. But I'll be back when.

  • en



    Consistently good coffee, friendly service , and comfortable seating. They seem to have all bases covered.

  • Anthony Giordano

    Anthony Giordano


    They take coffee seriously here at Sweetleaf. Withdrawn from the bustle of Long Island City, it's easy to tuck into an armchair here and get lost in your own thoughts. A true sanctuary. Their baked goods are awesome as well!

  • G N

    G N


    Great friendly customer service, they can get pretty busy there's usually a line but service is still quick considering. I love the gluten free/vegan baked goods. They do sell out of the gf/vegan options early which shows you how good they are. I have allergies to gluten and eggs, it's hard to find great tasting gf/vegan baked treats. I highly recommend this place.

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