Susi Auto Body w Boston

Stany ZjednoczoneSusi Auto Body



🕗 godziny otwarcia

53, Freeport Street, 02122, Boston, Suffolk County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 617-282-4942
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 42.3061913, Longitude: -71.0582557

komentarze 5

  • Tashali Little

    Tashali Little


    This was the second time I've been hit in the matter of 5 months. The last time before going to Susi's it took 3 weeks to get my car back and the owner of the shop I went to was such a horrible person and just so rude. I was very nervous bringing it to Susi's because of my traumatic experience from the last time. BUT at Susi's. Every single person that I interacted with at the shop was so amazing. Everyone was so helpful and gave me a rough estimate of when my car would be ready and literally ONE day later, my car was all ready to go!! They washed the car (totally needed it too) and my new bumper looks amazing! I couldn't have asked for a better experience at Susi's! Best customer service and the work was awesome too!! Thank you to everyone at Susi's for taking care of my car!! :)

  • Max Roberts

    Max Roberts


    Great experience. Prompt service and very communicative. Took care of everything with no problems whatsoever. Did a claim through Geico who recommended I use them. Everything went very smoothly and I have no complaints.

  • serge-Eric Andre

    serge-Eric Andre


    Everytime I’ve had to go there they do amazing work. Highly recommend.

  • en

    Boston Standard


    UPDATE: January 2018 - We continue to need our vehicles repaired and Susi delivers every time. Can't say enough good things about them - Highley Recommended. These guys have fixed up personal and business vehicles for many years and over and over, they do a great job. I stopped in today with a truck who's doors wouldn't close correctly and Bobby Susi pulled it right in for a fix. They are easy to work with and do great work, highly recommended.

  • marie forrest

    marie forrest


    I have taken my auto for repairs to a number of times, for many years and the workmanship each and every time has been excellent. I have worked with Gordie and, in fact, the owners as well and have found them to be quite knowledgeable and helpful. They deal directly with the insurance company so I don't have to worry about all that administrative stuff. I would highly recommend this shop.

najbliższy Naprawa samochodów

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