Sushi House 21 w Newark

Stany ZjednoczoneSushi House 21



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243, Elm Street, 07105, Newark, Essex County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 973-991-0067
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7269646, Longitude: -74.160072

komentarze 5

  • Bianca Rusenhack

    Bianca Rusenhack


    Comida boa. Local pequeno mas aconchegante. Um pouco diferente das fotos.

  • tom dietz

    tom dietz


    Went on a Wednesday at 8:30 and was seated immediately. Mr. & Mrs. Owner were working along with a delivery guy. I ordered two sushi rolls and a bowl of udon noodle soup. Food quality and taste was very good. My only complaint was the long time waiting to order, and the long time it took to make and serve a simple order. I will definitely go again, but hope its quicker. Price was 5.00 per roll and 7.00 for large soup.

  • Peter Rufo

    Peter Rufo


    Tried to rip us off on a regular order we usually get done right. The chicken teriyaki is usually served a full amount of chicken, this time around, the restaurant served us a sad and small amount of teriyaki chicken. When questioned, the server stated the restaurant did not have enough chicken to serve 3 plates of teriyaki chicken, and instead served us what looked like to be the amount of one serving of chicken in the dish to all three of us! Then the server suggested to take off 20 percent of the order which could be used on the next visit. The server became rude and disrespectful when I explained the 20 percent is not actually fair deal for the amount of food missing. We waited seated for over an hour and the establishment failed to deliver. I will not be returning to this restaurant again, and I will take my business elsewhere moving forward.

  • en

    Evan Keyes


    Ordered 3 specialty rolls. All 3 came an hour and a half after the order time and all crammed into the same sad plastic container. I figured sending nearly $40 on sushi would be a little more filling but these pathetic portions were barely worth the half full stomach. I'll use my money on a place Sea or Sakura in the future. Really sad.

  • Kafi Herbert

    Kafi Herbert


    Hmmmmm! Everything thing we ordered was good nice and clean.. Seafood soup spicy was so good!!!

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