Surreal Blow Out Bar w Nashville

Stany ZjednoczoneSurreal Blow Out Bar



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2120, Crestmoor Road, 37215, Nashville, Davidson County, US Stany Zjednoczone
kontakt telefon: +1 615-298-7722
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 36.1090201, Longitude: -86.8137916

komentarze 5

  • en

    Manee Moss


    Amazing job today! Beautiful salon! So pleased! The attention to detail and the skills on the ladies. Will be back!

  • en

    Jessica Wallace


    Booked a last minute blowout with Morgan today. She was AMAZING! Super friendly and was able to quickly pick up on type of style I wanted. Left with perfect hair! Will definitely book again with Morgan. The salon decor is so clean and inviting! Highly recommend. Great find thanks to Styleblueprint.

  • en

    Julie Williams


    I cannot speak highly enough about my experience with Logan at the Surreal Blow Out Bar! I am biracial, with half relaxed/half natural curly hair. I am always nervous to go to blo bars because I'm not sure if I can find someone that can manage my type of hair. But Logan was phenomenal! She knew exactly how to make my hair look fabulous and we had excellent conversation the whole time. I would recommend any of my curly friends to see Logan at Surreal. You will not be disappointed!

  • Lori Knerr

    Lori Knerr


    When you visit Surreal, you will not only love the talented and wonderful stylists there, but also the beautiful salon! Melanie and Danielle, the owners, have done an incredible job putting together a great team in a great location. I would highly recommend them!!

  • Shara Lunn

    Shara Lunn


    The team and Surreal Hair studio are amazing you will not be disappointed. Ask to see Melanie Williams. She is extremely talented and I just let her do what she wants to my hair she always flatters my face and tells me if something is a good idea. It is hard to find someone that you would trust forever and Melanie is it for me. I hope she never moves out of Nashville. They also sell Euphoria hair products. I love hair repair product because it is like a mini spa in a bottle taking away all my stress. I also love the fixation wax, and the powder lift.

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