Supercuts w White Plains

Stany ZjednoczoneSupercuts



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131, Mamaroneck Avenue, 10601, White Plains, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 914-328-3333
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.029651, Longitude: -73.765231

komentarze 5

  • Sayan Chakraborty

    Sayan Chakraborty


    Supercuts makes it easy and convenient to get a haircut. You walk in or get an appointment using the app. The staff are friendly, knowledgeable, and helpful. Highly recommended!

  • en

    Robert Faller III


    This place screwed up my hair really bad and now I need to where a hat everywhere I go. Yes. It’s really that bad.

  • Mr Jingles

    Mr Jingles


    I called to ask if they were aware of a condition called folliculitis. Employee named Rosetti just said no in a very rude manner and hung up on me. I called again and a different employee answered and I asked the same question and she said that they wouldn’t cut my hair and that I should see a dermatologist. I have never dealt with such low standards of customer service and insensitivity towards someone calling to ask a question in a business. If this was the last place to cut my hair I will cut it myself. Are you at work for the New York department of transportation and I’ll make sure that myself and all my coworkers will be going anywhere else except this place. I’ve never been so disgusted as I feel right now for the treatment I received by calling this place. What an unprofessional please this is. I hope this person never has to deal with any kind of condition that has to do with medical And feel what it feels like to be treated like you’re less because you have some sort of condition that’s out of your control. I would suggest this place and I will let it go bankrupt.

  • John Osyer

    John Osyer


    The worst haircut I could get. I can't believe I paid for the worst haircut. I will never go there again. I don't recommend. Stay away from that place if you want to have a good mood. If you want to have bad mood just go there to get haircut.

  • Stephen Cash

    Stephen Cash


    Not overly expensive and quick to walk-in and get a hair. There App helps make the process quicker.

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