Supercuts w Wantagh

Stany ZjednoczoneSupercuts



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1171, Wantagh Avenue, 11793, Wantagh, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-785-6200
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.6942634, Longitude: -73.5059097

komentarze 5

  • en

    Pr C


    Always have a great experience. I've been getting my color and cut there for over 10 years. Love the girls there friendly and a clean shop. My hair looks and feels great. I usually call ahead because it's a very busy store. Tyvm ladies!

  • en

    Alena Zolotaiko


    The worst salon I have ever been to. So dirty, hairs are everywhere, and no one cares to clean. Brush had bunch of someone else hair on it, the hairdresser didn’t even try to bother to take it out until I asked. I am not sure if they sanitize brushes at all. The whole place is gross. It was my wedding anniversary night, but it was a holiday and my usual place was closed. I just wanted to look good, we planned to go out. I came for a blowout and style. How hard can it be? The hairdresser acted like it was her first time ever holding a brush. I have thick hair, and the lady took huge sections that didn’t even fit on the brush. It was my first time in entire life that I left a hair salon with wet hair. When I wanted to pay for shampoo, another employee said to my hairdresser:”Just let her go” It was said so casually like it happens on a daily basis. No one apologized or tried to save a situation. They just ignored me. And for that I want to give them a credit. Assuming that my actual rating of this place is negative, one star is well deserved for not charging a client for the worst service ever. I had to go home and style my hair myself. So much for trying to look good on occasion...

  • brijesh bhavsar

    brijesh bhavsar


    Very decent place to cut your hair ..I have been visiting this place for 3 years now and people are good and polite . This place deserves 5 stars ..

  • frank santos

    frank santos


    I don't hate the place. I just think the stylists need more training and supplies organization. Thanks

  • Trudi Davidoff

    Trudi Davidoff


    Always a good experience. I have a head full of cowlicks and if it's not cut right it never looks right. I just had a razor cut pixie and I love it, a good cut does more than make you look good, it makes you feel good too.

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