Super Health Pharmacy i New York

Forenede StaterSuper Health Pharmacy



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6400, Amboy Road, 10309, Richmond County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 718-967-4600
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.5221133, Longitude: -74.2152896

kommentar 5

  • Paula Jablonka-Binder

    Paula Jablonka-Binder


    Friendly local pharmacy located inside Super Fresh supermarket, accepts many types of insurance. Will call you when you're ready to refill medication. Will deliver.

  • en

    Ashish Patel


    Excellent and Super Fast Service! The staff is very friendly and their free delivery service is great!

  • en

    Antony Alessi


    It's the only pharmacy I'll ever use. The staff is so knowledgeable and ALWAYS go above and beyond to help in every way possible. Totally worth the change over from one of those impersonal chain stores.

  • en

    Mona Parikh


    Excellent staff and very educated pharmacists. My transfer was so easy and by the time I was done grocery shopping my refills were ready! I like how they're open every day and they even deliver. Would highly recommend this pharmacy. Its hard to find people who care nowadays and this pharmacy treats you like a member of their family!

  • Neal Shah

    Neal Shah


    Great pharmacy that truly cares about the patients well being. I liked how they greeted both myself and my mother by name and took time away from a busy morning to educate my mother about her prescriptions. Finally a pharmacy that puts the 'care' in healthcare.

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