Super 8 by Wyndham Lindenhurst w Lindenhurst

Stany ZjednoczoneSuper 8 by Wyndham Lindenhurst


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

134, East Montauk Highway, 11757, Lindenhurst, Suffolk County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 631-412-8372
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.6799481, Longitude: -73.3609409

komentarze 5

  • Mike Watson

    Mike Watson


    Not bad for a quick weekend getaway with the girlfriend. The rooms are clean, the bed is comfortable. Unfortunately the entry door was a little worn-out and wouldn't fully seal so there was a draft. The walls are thin so you hear the neighbors and there's no refrigerator or microwave but for the price of $155 a night it works.

  • Jennifer Aubut

    Jennifer Aubut


    Alot of money for a tiny room. Only 2 lights in room, 1 by door when you come in and other for bathroom but its on the outside of the bathroom. The top lock is busted on our door. Beds are comfy at least.

  • Daniel Crawford

    Daniel Crawford


    My card got charged 3 times by accident over the course of my stay. House keeping tried to come in our room on my first night right after my friend left. They were very startled. Overall the rooms were clean and the staff helpful.

  • Alfred DeSilva

    Alfred DeSilva


    So we arrive for check-in, every thing went smooth at the desk, going to the rooms the entire place reaked like a 420 lounge with people hanging out and loud music like it was a block party. Asked for a non smoking room and the room smelled like am ash tray. On a positive note, room was clean to the eye and bed was comfortable. Can't see myself going back though.

  • Anthony Tumbiolo

    Anthony Tumbiolo


    They are now doing much better as Super 8 Motel by Marriott. This used to be a dumpy Motel before they joined the Marriott family. It is a very welcoming change to the Lindenhurst area. It is beautiful and clean and new Motell. The Services is very good and the staff are very helpful and kind. Thank you for joining the Marriot family. You Motel is now wonderful and adds a touch of class to our area...

najbliższy Kwatera

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