Sunoco Gas Station w Scarsdale

Stany ZjednoczoneSunoco Gas Station


brak informacji

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858, Central Park Avenue, 10583, Scarsdale, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 914-725-6324
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 40.9931525, Longitude: -73.8209417

komentarze 5

  • en

    Cesca A


    ZERO stars for a horrible person. Disgusted by this place tonight. My parents were on their way home from a family dinner and realized their tire was leaking and almost flat. They pulled into the closest station and asked for help. A man with gray curly hair refused to help them because he wanted to go home and then said they had a "bad attitude" when they tried to plead with him. The time he spent refusing help could have easily been used plugging their tire. Absolutely unacceptable that this man thought 15 extra minutes of his time were more important then a families safe return home. What other station could they even find open at this time? Ended up driving on a TOTALLY FLAT TIRE to the next closest gas station which was the sunoco at 1940 central park ave in yonkers. The men there were already locked up and leaving and they stayed to help my parents without hesitation. This gray haired man should be ASHAMED of himself!!!!

  • en

    Tiffany Estavillo


    They were fair, courteous, and made my first experience with them pretty painless. Only complaint I had was I didn't hear from them about picking up my car that i left there for inspection. I had to call them a few hours later but otherwise, excellent service

  • en

    Seth Corwin


    Great service. Mike is very knowledgable and helpful.

  • H Ahmadi

    H Ahmadi


    I have been bringing my cars there for years, Ellen is great with customers and the job is always done right.

  • Sylvia Rini (8th Gr Teacher)

    Sylvia Rini (8th Gr Teacher)


    If I could give zero stars I would! I went on April 5th to have my car inspected. First they couldn't find the lock to unlock my wheels. I told the manager it was under the front passenger seat. A few minutes later she called again and said it wasn't. I returned to the station and got it from Exactly where I told her it was. Minutes after leaving, I received another call stating the car failed because the front brakes were completely worn down. She said they could replace them for me and the car would pass. I was dismayed because I didn't believe there to be anything wrong with the brakes. I then said I had an appt with my Kia dealer in a few days and I'd have them check on it. She became abrupt and stated "Well it's $37 pass or fail." I just left Kia. Absolutely NOTHING wrong with my brakes. They said they were not worn anywhere near an unsafe level. I am NEVER going to this Sunoco station again and I don't suggest you do unless you like to throw money away!

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