Sunoco Gas Station w Holbrook

Stany ZjednoczoneSunoco Gas Station


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

5140, Veterans Highway, 11741, Holbrook, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-563-4051
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 40.7733718, Longitude: -73.066279

komentarze 4

  • en

    April Anthony


    Don't think I'll ever go back to this place again. I brought my car here twice. I have bought my car from Stevens Ford 112 but decided to have my maintainence done by Hyundai. This last time brought my car in for two recalls to be performed. Both times the information is the computer said that my car was still owned by Stevens Ford and was never updated. Now this time comes along and was told that who ever put my brakes on broke my drivers side rear stud and it needed to be replaced and they would charge me 73.00 to change one stud... well I'm the one who changed my own brakes and no my studs weren't broken. They broke my stud trying to rotate my tires and wanted me to pay for their mistake and blamed the person who installed it. Extremely unprofessional and disappointing. Will never go again.

  • en



    First time there. Got charged the 16oz coffee price for my 12oz coffee. It wasn't even good coffee! It tasted weak. So that was my first time there...and LAST time.

  • en

    Google User


    First id like to say ive been coming to this gas station for 6 years everyday in the mornings before work and on my lunch breaks. The staff that was here for about 4 yrs was absolutly amazing and friendly. After they had changed staff ive knoticed one employee in particular who seems to have something against me for whatever reason. He started hiding the mayonnaise packets from me that i used daily for my lunch. Eventually they put them back after much hassle with sunoco corporate and the owner and i was a happy customer once again. After about a week or so i return only to be told i have to pay 20 cents per mayonnaise pack (which i doubt can be for resale) . At this point it really isnt about the 20 cents but more about the customer loyalty and lack of appreciation of my business. Ive spent countless amount of money at this gas station over 6 years along with my fellow coworkers. Needless to say i will most definitely be taking my business elsewhere and telling my fellow coworkers to do the same.

  • Christopher Johnson

    Christopher Johnson


    Exactly want you need it to be plus a convenience store on site. A+.

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