Sunoco Gas Station w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneSunoco Gas Station


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4102, Avenue H, 11210, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-659-5878
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Latitude: 40.6321948, Longitude: -73.9366647

komentarze 5

  • Uncle Chuckles

    Uncle Chuckles


    Worlds worst G station

  • en

    Kiki Flowstar


    No long lines but the prices for somethings are to high

  • Dee Raw

    Dee Raw


    The manager only the manager is very races. Does not know how to talk black working people in the neighborhood .who support the business. I had an prior incident after using my debt card for gas i went in side to get two Lottery tickets and when doing so. the manager tell me to move off the line and Let the white gentleman go instead and guess What he buy lottery tickets i lost it i will never go to that gas station again.

  • en



    The establishment is clean from what I can tell I don't buy much other than gas most times. I rarely enter the store as the gas pumps are automated. With that being said, I don't have to deal with the cashiers often but when I do there's one in particular that consistently has a sarcastic and demeaning way about him. I always dismissed it as his dark sense of humor. He doesn't know me that well to have that type of wit about him towards me or any of his customers but last night took the cake. After getting into it with the customer before us ( he threw the mans cigarettes at him ) he chose to take his discretions out on us, my daughter and I. We paid and he scoffed and wrote FAKE on a $20 bill that we've given him and threw it at us. I honestly thought he was joking because I couldn't understand why will he will be so disrespectful without useing proper procedures and checking the bill. Mind you my daughter worked as a manager and she knows how to detect a counterfeit money. We'd literally just got the bill from the bank came straight to the store for purchase and were very rudely disrespected. My daughter told me a few times he been rude to her in the past but I always wrote it off as him being sarcastic. The bottom line is if you don't know someone well enough to be that sarcastic with them it does there's no place for it in business. Customer service is the gateway to your business. If I'm only dealing with you for a few ministers at a time, I shouldn't feel disrespected each time I have to enter the establishment. Due to the actions of the 6'3"tall 21 year old Indian brooklyn college student. I will not be using this gas station again. If I have an emergency and must go there, they will not get my busness while he's there. He is often disrespectful every other customer that come in for no reason whatsoever. 'If you don't like your job pack up and leave! Go elsewhere but don't work into my neighborhood where I support your Establishment and be disrespectful to myself or other faithful customers. I didnt ask you to work there if you don't like your job leave but don't disrespect the customers that are supporting your business regularly. The two stars are for the based on pumps not always working and poor customer service with that particular worker who's usually there when I go. If I can't get the service I need without being harassed EVERY TIME I GO there's no need for me to use your establishment. I thought Itwas just me but while I was fuming outside a few customers also spoke on how rude he always is.

  • en

    Sam Florin


    Never buy food from this store. They consistently sell expired food!

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