Sun-Do w Leonia

Stany ZjednoczoneSun-Do



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326, Broad Avenue, 07605, Leonia, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 917-593-3744
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8621648, Longitude: -73.9879369

komentarze 5

  • en

    Nichell Delvaille


    Did a GoogleMaps search for an acupuncturist this morning because I have been in bed sick with the flu for three days. I found Sun-Do. What a gem! Helped with the pressure in my ears, a burning headache, fever and congestion. Definitely going back. Thank you!

  • en

    Arielle Quinones


    This place changed my life. Before I even consider acupuncture i was having a lot of pain in my right leg. I wasn’t sure where the pain was coming from until I noticed a lump near my knee cap. I went to a vein specialist and he told me I had a blood clot. There was no need for surgery in fact he said that there really isnt anything that can be done. I knew it wasn’t normal because my leg would go numb at times. I couldn’t enjoy doing things I love to do such as excercising and dancing. When I finally decided to try acupuncture, I have to say to my surprise it really WORKED!! I’ve been going to Sun Do for 2 months now and my lump is gone and not only is it gone but I feel no pain. I am able to do things I enjoy without having any trouble. I’m truly pleased with the results. You won’t know until you try for yourself. This place is full of positive energy and it’s extremely relaxing.

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    Simon C


    I have been to numerous acupuncture practitioners over the years, and Michael is by far the most skilled and effective. I initially came to see Michael for severe acne and liver problems—issues that I’ve had my entire life and had sought treatment for to no avail. Michael was very attentive to my issues and made me feel at ease from the very first session. In just a few weeks of treatment, my face has cleared up entirely and my liver enzymes have dropped back down to the normal range. I am in utter amazement at these results, as no other practitioners (including supposedly eminent ones) were able to fix my problems. All the while, Michael’s acupuncture also significantly reduced chronic anxiety that I had had. I would highly recommend Michael to anyone with any form of distress, especially to those who may have been disappointed with other acupuncture practitioners. He simply exceeds all expectations for what acupuncture can do. Thank you Michael!

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    Jossie Palmares


    My first time trying acupuncture here and was pleasantly surprised. My shoulder pain was gone and the next morning i almost forgot that i was ever in pain. I went from not even being able to lift my arm half way to going about my daily activities as if nothing was ever wrong. I recommend Michael, he is very professional and knows what he's doing.

  • en

    Ashley r


    I love the atmosphere very relaxing. Michael is very good at what he does (Acupuncture). I even attended a few meditations classes and it was the best by far. Thank you for everything Michael.

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