Sun Cleaners i Washington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterSun Cleaners



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1408, 14th Street Northwest, 20005, Washington, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 202-462-2502
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 38.9092299, Longitude: -77.0321552

kommentar 5

  • en

    Brian Lempin


    Great customer service, they deliver to my building, I know the ladies who work in there, now. Always a great job and I have and will tell people to go here. If you see the ladies with a shopping cart full of pink laundry bags that's them picking up. Nice neighborhood dry-cleaners.

  • B R

    B R


    No real complaints so far. The employees are friendly and nice. Plus I got my work clothes done the next business day.

  • Eli Santiago

    Eli Santiago


    So far so good.

  • en

    A Google User


    NEVER AGAIN I used to liek this place, and was loyal customer, untill they pretty much did not clean at all my wedding dress, and charged me $90. It was not in any accpetable shape, and they did not want to do anything.

  • en

    A Google User


    I WAS a loyal customer since 1998 - all dry cleaning and tailoring (over $700 in 2007 alone) was done through Sun Cleaners. In Jan 2008, I went to pick up a $350 comforter that I had left with them for cleaning. I was initially given 2 different stories as to why my comforter was gone. When I came back with a police officer, a 3rd story was given, only after the owner spoke in Korean with her daughter on the phone for over 10 minutes about this. Finally, after waiting for her to finish her call, she was willing to speak to the police officer. The new story is that it was brought in for cleaning in Aug 2007 and that it had been there for over 90 days. This is 100% BS. Unfortunately, I no longer have the ticket to proove my case. They have lost a loyal customer that USED TO refer ALL friends & neighbors to them for 10 years. Use them at your own risk. I won't."

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