Suite V Brooklyn w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneSuite V Brooklyn



🕗 godziny otwarcia

775, Nostrand Avenue, 11216, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 347-240-7756
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.6707407, Longitude: -73.95039

komentarze 5

  • en

    Ankeen McGuire


    Sweet friendly professional people, creating a style with you. Thanks for my fresh look y’all! Feeling lighter.

  • Ricardo Echeverri

    Ricardo Echeverri


    I am so happy I met Vanessa couple of years ago. When I moved to NY few years I struggled finding a hair stylist. I feel so lucky I found her! You don’t only get a great hair cut but her amazing energy lingers with you!

  • Kaleigh Carroll

    Kaleigh Carroll


    Just moved to the neighborhood and have passed by the salon a few times. Decided to walk in today and I am sure glad I did! Vanessa was so genuine and made me feel very welcomed in her salon. She did an AMAZING job with my hair. I haven't liked a haircut this much in a really long time. She gained a new regular today. Overall, good vibes and I highly recommend :)

  • Raquel Thompson

    Raquel Thompson


    Vanessa is the thoughtful stylist you need in your life. She takes her time to get to know you and your goals for your hair. She's a great a listener, but also very down to take the lead, which is great if you're like me and need a little creative leadership from your stylist. I came in for a conversation and the next day she sent me photos of cuts and colors to give me ideas of what could be possible - I couldn't believe the service. So happy to have found the funky, warm shop on Nostrand ave.

  • en

    Diane Jammula


    Vanessa is the best hair stylist I have ever had. I started going to her 7 years ago when I moved to NYC from Miami. She has given me hip yet professional cuts since. She is always ahead on the latest styles, and she executes perfectly. She did my hair and my husband's hair before our wedding, and it looked rocking and fabulous. In addition, she is a fantastic person. She is thoughtful, experienced, and compassionate. We have the best, most interesting conversations and I leave looking and feeling great. I am so glad she owns her own salon and space. She is truly making her mark on the world.

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