Sugarplum w Garden City

Stany ZjednoczoneSugarplum



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181, 7th Street, 11530, Garden City, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-887-4334
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 40.7254458, Longitude: -73.6348133

komentarze 5

  • en

    Lori Anderson-Turczyn


    They sell used dresses with the designer's original labels removed. They sew in their label and overcharge. No wonder they don't allow photos. What they are doing is unethical and illegal. Customer service is non-existent. I suppose they feel as though if they treat their customers like they're doing them a favor the shoppers will beg to buy from them?!? Do yourself a favor and purchase a NEW, UNWORN, dress from a reputable dress shop....NOT this place.

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    Brianna Sosa


    you can’t pick your own dresses out, and you can only try on 3. Also you can’t take pictures. When you try on the dresses they make you wear these ugly smelly white gloves so the “dresses don’t get dirty”. What’s the point of that when the rest of your body is going inside anyways? If you’re looking for a dress I recommend Estelle’s Dressy Dresses! Don’t come here!

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    Maya Williams


    I came to Sugarplum looking for a dress for a wedding and I was pleasantly surprised with the service I received. Bre is awesome! She helped me find the perfect dress and was committed to making sure I felt comfortable in the dress I selected. The place is so clean and organized. Definitely would recommend Sugarplum to everyone. Be sure to check it out.

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    Jenny Magniccari


    I bought my MOG dress here. I was satisfied with the service and the dress. Therefore, I brought my friend here but the young woman who had helped me, was no longer employed. We dealt with the Manager who was rude and refused to talk with us, when a couple of issues arose after buying a dress. The dresses are nice but the customer service is deplorable. There are so many places that have both!

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    Allie G


    Horrible experience here! A older lady with a Russian accent was my sales lady when I came looking for a prom dress. I told her I wanted no dresses that were white or champagne. Every single dress I tried on, I wasn’t in love with and every time I took one off the sales lady would restate: “If you come later on this week, it’s not gonna be here.” Obviously desperate to make a sale off of me. My parents chose a dress that was white with champagne accents and even though I originally didn’t want that color, it was so beautiful that I had to try it on. “I thought you didn’t want anything white or champagne!” The nasty sales lady says to me. Well it’s called “exploring your options”. Also they claim to have a vast selection of dresses, but I was highly disappointed with what I saw, there was really nothing there! When I went to thank the lady for her time, she just cut me off with a cold “goodbye”. If you want to feel like a name and not a number, then I highly do not recommend coming here! If you want a non rushed, more personal dress experience then try La Chic Boutique, Outrageous Boutique, or Camille la Vie. SKIP THIS PLACE!!!!!!

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