Suffolk Auto Driving School w Lake Grove

Stany ZjednoczoneSuffolk Auto Driving School


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

2693, Middle Country Road, 11755, Lake Grove, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-544-1100
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8593773, Longitude: -73.1084852

komentarze 5

  • en

    Carolyn A


    My kid needed a lot of confidence boosting with a patient dedicated instructor. Grant did a phenomenal job! They got their license today and they could not have been luckier than to have Suffolk Auto Driving School help with this amazing achievement!!!

  • Nikita Kohli

    Nikita Kohli


    So thankful to Grant! I was an extremely anxious driver but he was so kind and reassuring. Truly an amazing teacher!! So kind, so patient, so caring! Not only did I pass the test easily but I feel completely at ease on the road now :) Took three classes with him two weeks before my road test.

  • Phil Montana

    Phil Montana


    My son went through this school. Very good teachers! They teach what we as parents can't. Kudos to Suffolk auto! Now my daughter is using them too! Thank you!

  • en

    Eugenia B


    I would give more than five stars for their instructor Grant; he is truly amazing! I never drove before, went to a different Auto school and almost gave up on driving after my first lesson. Luckily I called Suffolk Auto School and set up my class with Grant. He made me so confortable with driving from the day one! He is patient, knowledgeable and motivating. He truly cares and wants you to succeed! He taught me a lot about driving and showed me tricks that brought my parallel parking technic and three point U-turn to perfection. I passed the road test flawlessly! Can’t thank him enough; he is simply the best! I would definitely recommend him to all my friends and family.

  • en

    Lisa Murray


    My daughter Marisa passed the first time with a PERFECT SCORE with a Huge thanks to her instructor Grant! She had a lesson a few days before her road test and she was really nervous! She came home so much more confident and learned in minutes a much better way to parallel park. The day of the test he reminded us of what papers we needed and was very early and ready! She passed flawlessly!! The testing agent asked him if he taught her that parallel park as it was the best she has EVER seen. Also called her the best driver she had seen in a week plus! What a great experience we will definitely be calling Grant when her brother starts driving next year!!!

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