SUBWAY®Restaurants w Morningside

Stany ZjednoczoneSUBWAY®Restaurants



🕗 godziny otwarcia

6716, Suitland Road, 20746, Morningside, Prince George's County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 301-568-7722
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.8243794, Longitude: -76.8902746

komentarze 5

  • Niccolo Rojas

    Niccolo Rojas


    The Asian manager was disrespectful when I asked to buy something so I could wait for a friend, while I was looking outside the window he seemed to have “snapped” himself with me in the background and laughed. What disrespect is this.

  • en

    Jorge Velasquez


    It’s a subway, good employees

  • Alecia Crider

    Alecia Crider


    My experience with Subway on Suitland Road was not the best. I was approximately 5 o'clock p.m. and I had a 6 inch tuna on whole wheat bread. The bread was barely baked, very much like doe. Most of the chairs were on top of the table. This made me feel as if they were preparing for closure. I sat in to eat as I waited for some car services to be performed on my car from across the street of the Subway. Two young gentlemen came in, ordered and sat down to eat. The young lady working behind the counter shouted out to the guys as she bobbed her head and rolled her kneck, " put the chairs back up on the table when you finished eating, like I had them". I was stunned with disbelief that an employee would treat a customer in this manner. Does she not know that if it weren't for the customers, she would not have a job. I felt so uncomfortable after that, I threw out my sandwich and my drink and left the Subway store. Not good!!!!!

  • en

    Robert Marshall


    Not a bad subway. Prices have crept up to a point that a sandwich cost $9. Just not really worth it anymore.

  • en

    tommy chance


    Excellent service! Fast and he wasn't shy with the meat and even offered more lettuce! Highly recommended.

najbliższy Restauracja

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