Styles of India Threading Salon - Dallas w Dallas

Stany ZjednoczoneStyles of India Threading Salon - Dallas



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2515, Inwood Road, 75235, Dallas, Dallas County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 214-242-9648
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.8219394, Longitude: -96.8364723

komentarze 5

  • en

    J J


    Dyvia, is amazing I highly recommend her! I don’t know why they have a compute system asking who you prefer. If there is a seat open the cashiers always want to push you to someone else. So annoying!

  • en

    Cherie Johnson


    They take the time to really shape your brows to accent your face. Affordable pricing as well.

  • en

    Anloy Ranosa


    I used to like coming here but I'm going somewhere else from now on. Normally, the ladies smell nice (odor is very important to me as they get really up close to you). I can even tolerate the occasional lunch breath BUT my recent experience made me decide to go some place else next time I need to get threaded. THE FINGERS OF THE LADY WHO THREADED ME SMELLED LIKE MARIJUANA!!! Look, I don't care what they do on their personal time but if it affects their job and offends the public (their clientele) management needs to do something about it. They expect food handlers (especially ones who smoke) to wash their hands after their break, they should expect employees who will be touching your face. Ugh!

  • en

    K Okara


    Parking is awful in the area. Wait times is decent. Go with chair 3. She's the best one there.

  • Tamara Lipps

    Tamara Lipps


    I highly recommend this place. Everyone here is so sweet and nice. I have an obsession with getting my eyebrows done and it's so hard to find the perfect place/person to go to. I'm highly satisfied with my visit today. Today was also my first time getting my eyebrows tented, I was a little scared but everyone reassured me it would look perfect and it does. I will definitely be returning here every 2 weeks. Please go and give this place a try. There is no wait and the atmosphere is so peaceful.

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