STS Tire i Massapequa

Forenede StaterSTS Tire



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6195, Sunrise Highway, 11758, Massapequa, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 516-267-5242
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.6823985, Longitude: -73.4304929

kommentar 5

  • Michael Taustine

    Michael Taustine


    Typical slow service. Who knows if you're getting a deal, or getting hosed.

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    Gregory Stukes


    I took my vehicle for an inspection and was told that I needed a tire. I asked what was the tread on it and was told “close to zero”, even though the treads were just measured 5/32nd that day elsewhere. They offered to sell me a tire that I did not require. I declined. Then I was told my power steering was leaking also. That I know for a fact wasn’t true. From the time I walk in and asked for an inspection I was asked to leave the car there and didn’t have to sign any type of paperwork and wasn’t given anything to sign in the end, nothing stating what they suggested for the car to pass inspection or why it didn’t pass(even when the sign in the waiting room states “Inspections are $37.00 pass or fail”.) I was just told after I didn’t want to do a service to meet the technician in the parking lot and he will hand me my keys after he brings it down. Not a good experience at this location for me. I just won’t be bringing my vehicle back there anymore. Didn’t feel right for me as a consumer.

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    Maryann Monica


    Excellent service and fast too! Friendly staff. Ask for Vinnie very good.

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    Drone Studio


    Joe the manager is good guy seems honest . They could use a coupke more mechnics i think to expadite just a little bit . Certain thingsg like tire rotation or inspections .

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    Ashley Perez


    Late at night i got a flat.Almost everyone was close. This location was open,went in and i told them I had a flat . unfortunately my tire had a cut on the side and couldn't be fix. The store manager Joe was very knowledgeable,within 25 minutes i was out of there with a brand new tire.Great prices,great staff. They have become my to go repair shop from no on. Thanks!

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