Strong Island Styles w Glen Cove

Stany ZjednoczoneStrong Island Styles



🕗 godziny otwarcia

51, Forest Avenue, 11542, Glen Cove, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-676-1235
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8716148, Longitude: -73.6259257

komentarze 5

  • Zynthia Rosero

    Zynthia Rosero


    We drive from Queens just for their amazing work. Both my boys have very different hair and it took forever to find someone who could leave them both looking fresh.

  • Gerald Long

    Gerald Long


    Best cut I have in Ny so far. Best barbers I have dealt with, they listened and gave me the best cut for my face based on my suggestion. I'm extremely happy with the result!

  • Kyle Knoell

    Kyle Knoell


    I have been to Strong Island Styles many times and I have honestly never been disappointed in the slightest. Every cut I have had has been done to perfection, and the staff creates one of the most welcome and fun atmospheres you will ever see. Today I came in close to closing time on thanksgiving eve and I was still welcomed by the staff and was given an awesome cut. My barber Kelvin and I had a great time talking about school and sports. I also got an awesome matte pomade that you can only find there and I’m so excited to try it. An experience that I would never have had at any other Barber. Highly recommend anyone and everyone to come here for their next haircut.

  • Alex M

    Alex M


    I've been getting cuts from Strong Island for about 6 years now. I have never met a more dedicated and passionate team of barbers that provide nothing but a premium quality service and experience. Brian is one of the best to ever do it, he's a highly energetic dude that loves what he does and has fun doing it. He's always making people laugh and he can talk to pretty much anyone that walks through the door. He goes above and beyond for his barbers and for the community.

  • Anthony De Lucia

    Anthony De Lucia


    Literally the best haircut I’ve gotten. The girl Devin I had took her time to make sure every angle of my hair was even and every line was crisp and clean. Made sure to ask every so often if I liked what was being done. One of the best fades I’ve ever gotten too! Super happy with my first of many cuts here.

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