Stop & Shop en White Plains

Estados UnidosStop & Shop



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154, Westchester Avenue, 10604, White Plains, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 914-997-0715
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.0333703, Longitude: -73.7569955

comentarios 5

  • Marisa Damiano

    Marisa Damiano


    One employee over heard us talking about the location of an item and was nice enough to ask what we were looking for and tell us. The cashier also on the same day was very nice too. However, as with anywhere, not everyone is as helpful.

  • G S

    G S


    Clean store, quick to replenish shelves, helpful staff, decent prices for the area, and although not crazy about the deli or bakery, the fruits are fresh as are the meats and chicken. Only con..The parking lot can be a disaster depending on when you go.

  • en

    Marc Khoury


    Quick check out. Reasonable prices. Good produce quality.

  • Trent Heberling

    Trent Heberling


    A nice large supermarket in White Plains. A convenient central location with a free parking garage (essentially unheard-of in downtown White Plains...). Plenty of food choices at this location also an indoor bottle return room if you do that.

  • Anonymous



    I can't even begin to explain my frustration with this specific location! First of all, the people that work here have the WORST filthy attitude of life! When they check you out at the registers they give you a bad attitude. The customer service is HORRIBLE!!! I had to call and complain numerous times. I used to shop at this location at least 3-4 times a week. I live in the area so its very convenient for me to shop here but I had to stop coming here for a while and I started going to the other stop & shop on Broadway which is better than this place but they don't have a few things that this stop & shop has so I had to come back here and I see things have not changed. They charge me for food that I never purchased so I had to go back to the store to get my money back. Its a good thing I go through my receipt when I get home but it sucks that I had to go back. I have been to so many stop & shop stores before but this specific location is ABSOLUTELY GARBAGE!!!!

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