Stonewolf Contracting en New York

Estados UnidosStonewolf Contracting



🕗 horarios

738, Willowbrook Road, 10314, Richmond County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 718-355-9000
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.6065759, Longitude: -74.147738

comentarios 4

  • Igor G.

    Igor G.


    Hired these guys a couple of years ago to do some work in the house but made a mistake of paying the last payment before they finished the job . As a result was left with a large hole in the wall around the ventilation pipe . They promised to stop by and complete .After numerous phone calls and empty promises they just disappeared .Beware.

  • Erin Higgins

    Erin Higgins


    Great people to work with. Highly efficient and knowledgeable. I will recommend to anyone who needs a contractor.

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    Diana Kaminer


    Dita construction work was remarkable with superb quality and timely. They did great job on all demolition and finished work

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    Eleonora Volfinzon


    The Dita Construction team helps me take care of both my home on Staten Island as well as my medical office in Brooklyn. No job is too small or too large for this great group of people. There is never a challenge that can't be solved or fixed. Eugene is always very helpful and always smiling regardless what I throw his way. They always show up on time even if its an emergency call in the middle of the night. Great work with fair prices. Would recommend over and over to anyone!

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