Stone Plus Design LLC i East Rutherford

Forenede StaterStone Plus Design LLC



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21, New Jersey 17, 07073, East Rutherford, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 201-438-2725
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.8328526, Longitude: -74.0895179

kommentar 5

  • Russ Hammond

    Russ Hammond


    Quality service and custom designs with quality product.

  • Bruce Guy

    Bruce Guy


  • juan rivera

    juan rivera


  • ali horneff

    ali horneff


    Great experience with these stone fabricators. We only needed about 23 square feet for our shower bench and curb and were able to pick and lay out the cuts and were given a great rate with the ability to install it ourselves. I appreciate the option to be able to save some money with either doing our own installation and/or hiring our own contractor to install. Not only were they great to work with but when the tile layer (Muah) made a mistake we were able to go back to have one of the transition pieces customized with a rabbit joint to hide the error and it only took 30 minutes and I left with the piece the same day. Highly recommended. They also are able to do waterfall marble bench designs with a seamless joint very well.

  • Lyndsley Capuano

    Lyndsley Capuano


    Nothing is better than dealing with the best in the business, that is how I feel about Stone Plus Design on all levels. Their people and products are amazing and their installation is meticulous. I trust that every job I have for them is going to be done to perfection. I highly recommend them to everyone I know.

nærmeste Møbelbutik

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