St.Mary Mother of the Church i Fishkill

Forenede StaterSt.Mary Mother of the Church


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106, Jackson Street, 12524, Fishkill, Dutchess County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 845-896-6400
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Latitude: 41.5350351, Longitude: -73.9095738

kommentar 5

  • Anthony Dacunto

    Anthony Dacunto


    Beautiful church, and it is a fantastic school.

  • Gary Lintzenich

    Gary Lintzenich


    A wonderful church with amazing pastors, lovely people and families, an active community, and the Holy Eucharist!

  • en

    Keelin Mullen


    Cannot say enough wonderful things about the entire Church, from the parishioners to the Priests and Deacons, the school associated with the Church, and the CCD program. Everyone here is special and caring. They do everything they can to make it a real Family, even to newcomers (there is no such thing as a "stranger" here). They are respectful of everyone's different ways to worship and will assist in any way they can. I truly love this Church.

  • en

    Keith Anderson


    Nicole N. While sports are important, don't you think their faith is more important? The rules you dislike are unstated in your comment but if you believe they have to be accommodating to you then I don't know what to tell you. If you really want your children to have a Catholic upbringing then St. Mary's is one of the best. If your kids cannot make it to the CCD classes, perhaps you will try their K-8 school. Best education money can buy, I have one graduate from there after public schools let us down terribly. Now a well performing student in one of the top 5 engineering schools in the country. He is spectacular as all 35 kids were from that class. Sending your kids to school there would certainly give them a better catholic education than they would receive at CCD and a far better education then they will receive at any public school. Good Luck!

  • Val Perez

    Val Perez


    “...Born of the Virgin Mary”: Why is Mary truly the Mother of God? Mary is truly the Mother of God because she is the Mother of Jesus (John 2:1, John 19:25). The One who was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and became truly her Son is actually the eternal Son of God the Father. He is God himself. CCC #495 and 509

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