STG Gelateria Cherry St. w Tulsa

Stany ZjednoczoneSTG Gelateria Cherry St.



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1601, East 15th Street, 74120, Tulsa, Tulsa County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 918-619-6145
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 36.1408076, Longitude: -95.9695206

komentarze 5

  • James Snyder Jr

    James Snyder Jr


  • Julian Guzman

    Julian Guzman


    Pretty cool place for really good icecrram




    It makes me feel at home. You can taste the quality of the ingredients, it is absolutely clear that they use fresh and high quality ingredients. It is funny to read negative comments from people that don't even know what a gelato is and that are used to eat only cheap low quality frozen stuff...if you want the quality, you have to pay for it..

  • Rylund Lewis

    Rylund Lewis


    I stopped by STG Gelateria on a Wednesday at 6pm. At this time, they have a plethora of gelato flavors. I was told that they will be adding pasta (but not pizza) to the menu soon. As for the gelato, you can order one of three [individual] sizes (S/M/L). For each size up, you can choose an extra flavor to add, so a large can have up to three flavors. The large felt a bit small for the price, but the gelato is quite rich, and this more than sated my appetite. There is plenty of seating, both indoor and out. Outside, you are seated right along Cherry Street, so you can watch cars and pedestrians come and go. Table games were available during my visit.

  • en

    Tom McKay


    Sad execution of overpriced faint flavors. Don’t bother. The construction of the flavors is cheap scarce and chintzy. All show on top and the two flavors I ordered I received none of the chosen flavors I requested only the white cream gelato carrier. I ordered cherry in a white cream and specifically asked for at least one cherry from the top. The server refused but instead dug out from the bottom of the container. I received only the cream carrier and absolutely no layers with flavors. The stratiatelli was similarly deprived but I had two bites with chocolate in it. Don’t bother.

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