Stewart's Shops w Poughkeepsie

Stany ZjednoczoneStewart's Shops



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85, Creek Road, 12601, Poughkeepsie, Dutchess County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 845-471-9014
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 41.7205527, Longitude: -73.9048037

komentarze 5

  • Gryphon Downs

    Gryphon Downs


    A smaller Stewart’s good for commuters at Dutchess or Marist. Air compressor on the north side.

  • Toby Crocco

    Toby Crocco


    STORE 306, CREEK ROAD, POUGHKEEPSIE The store is normally a mess especially the coffee station which you might not want to touch. While standing in line at a register that someone just paid at I politely asked if the register is open when nobody approached. A woman comes out from behind the divider and screeches at me, “DIDN’T YOU HEAR (The other girl) SAY THAT THIS REGISTER IS FROZEN!!!” ( I didn’t) I was taken aback and asked her who she thought she was talking to and she rudely continued her attitude so I asked for her manager. Turns out she IS THE MANAGER!! I was shocked. I asked for her name and the corporate contact info while she stormed around behind the divider in a flurry of anger. I can accept the fact that some people are having a bad day but this was unacceptable. While she’s fumbling around behind the divider there are people at the coffee station asking for creamer and fresh coffee and the egg sandwich rack is empty. This is a normal experience in this store. I’m in this store almost daily as it is convenient on my way to work but I will avoid it in the future. Some days you walk in only to turn around and walk back out. The “Manager” Katie (all the info she would give me) told me to contact corporate and I told her I would be sure to do so. Hopefully this situation can be rectified and this store brought up to basic standards as the other Stewart stores I frequent in Hyde Park and Poughkeepsie. Sincerely, A dissatisfied long time customer.

  • en

    Barbara Dostie


    Clean, fair prices, friendly staff. Good ice cream...

  • Johnny Rivera

    Johnny Rivera


    What kind of horrible shop do you run? I go early in the morning, you're out of breakfast sandwiches. I go early in the evening, you're out of sub sandwiches. I went in tonight (1/25/17 @ 6:30PM) and you're out of sandwiches again! Your crew has to be one of the laziest I've encountered ever - worst than a "Clerks" movie. Good grief, if you don't want to make money just sell the place and let someone else do a decent job.

  • Francesca Simone

    Francesca Simone


    I am a regular customer there and my usual order is two scoops of mint chocolate chip ice cream with one scoop of Peter Pan peanut butter on top. I went in today and I was told that I could not have it. The manager was quite nasty in telling me that she was allergic to peanuts and that she could not allow me to have peanut butter on my ice cream. So I left and did not take the ice cream, because I specifically went in there to get it with peanut butter on top like I always do. If she's allergic to something that they use there regularly to make things such as peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, then she should not be working at a place like that. I've never heard something so absurd before, and they have now lost my business for good. By the way, as she denied me my request, the big giant red tub of Peter Pan peanut butter was sitting on the counter next to her. Ha

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