Stewart Family Chiropractic w Riverdale

Stany ZjednoczoneStewart Family Chiropractic



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43, Newark Pompton Turnpike, 07457, Riverdale, Morris County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 973-835-5773
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Latitude: 40.994057, Longitude: -74.303393

komentarze 5

  • Glen Giancola

    Glen Giancola


    Professional, positive, experienced. A pleasure to be around. Always feel better after each session. Everyone smiles and makes you smile as well.

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    Mad Hatter


    I'm taller!!! It's healed my back and given me a confidence boost.

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    brittany rubino


    I am 31 years old and I have been a patient of Dr. Gary Stewart since I was in diapers. Just over 5 years ago I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism. At the time, I had not been seeing Dr. Stewart as often as I should have (I live almost an hour away from his office). My doctor told me that I would have to be on thyroid medication for the rest of my life. This upset me greatly as I never take any pills of any kind, not even Tylenol when I get a headache. The doctor started me at 100 mcg. As soon I started taking the medication, I also increased the number of times I visited Dr. Stewart. The next time I went back to the doctor I was lowered down to 75 mcg. The time after that, I was down to 50 mcg. The time after that, just 25 mcg. I just went back to the doctor again, and now she tells me I am only required to take 25 mcg every other day because my body doesn't need it anymore. Fingers crossed the next time I go back I would need that prescription at all! Coincidence? I think not. I can not THANK YOU enough Dr. Stewart!

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    Lisa VanVliet


    I'm very excited to rate this very professional and dedicated chiropractor. His dedication to his profession is amazing. He truly cares about each and every patient. I came in with neck pain over a month ago now. I was desperate for relief. I had a complete evaluation and recommendation of what the plan was to bring me back to life and I'm happy to say it worked. I'm going to continue to see him as having adjustments regularly is the key to overall health. The staff is extremely friendly. I actually enjoy going because it feels like family when you walk in. I highly recommend visiting this superb chiropractor!

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    Linda DeSensi


    I had recently come back to Stewart Chiropractic after I stopped going a few years ago. I was not able to walk and had bad pains in my legs and back....actually I had pain all over. After going to multiple medical doctors, they all found nothing wrong with me...It was very frustrating because I couldn't walk (especially up and down steps). Just after 2 months of being adjusted my pain diminished dramatically. Recently I was offered a full-time position in the company which I have been with for 12 years. If it weren't for going back to Dr. Gary, I would not be able to do the new job. I am so grateful for Dr. Gary Stewart and Stewart Chiropractic for giving me back an almost pain-free life just after 3 months now. It's truly amazing that I'm feeling this good now......Thank you

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