Steve's Professional Auto Inc w Closter

Stany ZjednoczoneSteve's Professional Auto Inc


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

484, Closter Dock Road, 07624, Closter, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-767-7275
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.964948, Longitude: -73.954812

komentarze 4

  • en

    Brian Golden


    Steve Kim, the mechanic/owner, is hard working, honest, and on top of that he's a super nice guy. Highly recommended.

  • K P

    K P


    Overcharges for labor. Be careful. He wanted $180 for coolant flush and $230 for spark plug change on a 4 cylinder. I had the parts! So, basically he is more than the dealer. LOL Took it to another mechanic in Cresskill. He said $120 for both the coolant flush and spark plug change. Steve has to understand. There is a thing call google. Where you can search and get a rough estimate price. Shady.

  • en



  • Coco Rivers

    Coco Rivers


    Brought my truck in for a radiator install. Steve advised is that the water pump needed to be replaced as it had a small leak. Since we needed it for work, he advised us that we could take it. He said the heat would work and we should just monitor antifreeze levels and top off as needed. None of which was accurate. I live a mile from the shop. The sensor came on 2x during the mile drive. When we contacted him he said the sensor was probably broken. We attempted to use it for work and found out that the heat wasn't working in 20 degree temperatures. So, we might as well have left it in the shop. Not to mention he charged over $400 for radiator install even though we provided the part. I knew it was too high but had no time to comparison shop. Took it to a 2nd mechanic who advised 1. Heat would never work with leaky pump 2. Sensors rarely go bad and were functional 3. Water pump and thermostat needed replacement 4. Did all repairs for the same price incl. Parts. As they say, buyer beware.

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