Steve's Greenhouse Grill en Phoenix

Estados UnidosSteve's Greenhouse Grill



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139, E Adams St, 85004, Phoenix, Maricopa County, US United States
contactos teléfono: +1 602-252-2742
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.4491514, Longitude: -112.0719344

comentarios 5

  • Gina Yolo

    Gina Yolo


    Great little place to have lunch or dinner. It can be busy depending on time of day and events going on. The service and food was efficiently executed. Fair pricing with good quality food. They've got take out as well. And the staff was friendly and the waitress we had was aces!

  • Norman M. Wereley

    Norman M. Wereley


    Located next door to Hyatt, hearty and tasty breakfasts for a reasonable price. This is grilled potatoes with corned beef and onions and two eggs easy over. Very good! Serve drinks in those quart sized glasses... my favorite. Service was excellent.

  • en

    Jennifer and Ulessa


    Fabulous high class ownership that holds the highest exceptions of her restaurant, staffing and the services she offers and stands behind it 100%

  • Iman Sengupta

    Iman Sengupta


    This is a great dining place at Downtown Phoenix. The ambience in the evening is perfect here. The restaurant offers foods of different cuisines and quality is very good. The place also offers very good cocktails. The staffs are friendly and cooperating.

  • Josh Downs

    Josh Downs


    Honestly if I could give a 0 star i would and if be surprised if they didn't get at least 10 more bad reviews today. I saw at least 6 tables walk out before getting anything besides a drink and 2 who didn't even get drinks. My wife kids and I came in and got drinks and a side of fries. My wife got a margarita that was pure sour and nothing else I order 3 beers before I finally chose 1 they weren't out of. This place is severely understaffed and even the people working aren't willing to help.anyone who isn't "there table" which I heard 2 servers tell a table before they finally got up and left. Tacos were good but they need a whole new service staff.

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