Steve's Collision i Port Jefferson Station

Forenede StaterSteve's Collision



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618, North Bicycle Path, 11776, Port Jefferson Station, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 631-473-4949
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Latitude: 40.9170376, Longitude: -73.0395907

kommentar 5

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    Joseph Diorio


    Steve is the most honest guy I know

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    Jonathan Esposito


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    Wendy K


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    Jessica McMullen


    My sister and her girlfriend had hit a patch of ice and ended up hitting a tree. After they had hit a tree the police told him that this service for tow would be free. Today we find that he is charging them for a tow(which was down the street.) For 450 dollars. After calling him and trying to figure out why he was charging them after the Police Officer told them it would be free, he proceeded to insult us and told us we know nothing about the business of towing. He then proceeded to say to my sister that they needed to pay cash, but told me (if we HAVE insurance..) that they take care of it. He's a hack who tries to con people into paying a ridiculously high price for a tow up the street. Mind you he wanted straight cash. Not happening. This guy is a con artist. Don't trust him. P.S the damage was cosmetic damage. The car drove fine. He said the car was not drivable. UPDATE: We had called another company and they said it would have only been 84 dollars. No extra fees.

  • Melina M

    Melina M


    I got in a fender bender and started getting quotes and time estimates from local body shops. Most places quoted me well over $2500 and a week to fix it, but Steve agreed to charge a flat rate of $1600. He went out of his way to work with my class schedule, telling me I could take the car whenever I needed to drive to school and bring it back as many times as necessary to get everything done, still at the same price. I dropped the car off on a Monday afternoon expecting to have to drive it primered and unpainted for a while when I came to get it on Thursday. To my great surprise, I got a call on Wednesday telling me it was all done! He did the whole job in two workdays flat, charged a better price than just about everybody, and did a FANTASTIC job. The shop itself is owned and run by Steve, his father and son, and about five other guys. They deal with a lot of expensive cars and are very careful about their work. The shop is very neat and clean, and Steve is a wonderful person to deal with, allowing the customer to see every stage of the repair process and doing his best to accommodate any special requests. Even after he finished the job and I paid him, he was happy to do some little adjustments for me and said I could come back any time if I found a problem. Steve really treated me as if I were family, and I couldn't have asked for a better experience with what could have turned out to be a horrible ordeal somewhere else. I would and do recommend him to anybody in the area, and even if you aren't, it's probably worth the drive!

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