Steve Pescetti - State Farm Insurance Agent i Mastic

Forenede StaterSteve Pescetti - State Farm Insurance Agent



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1120, Montauk Highway, 11950, Mastic, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 631-399-9333
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 40.8026552, Longitude: -72.857968

kommentar 5

  • en



    Easy switch from my old company with help from the staff. Very convenient hours. All my questions are always answered without hesitation.Love this place! Recommend to all!

  • Ginger B

    Ginger B


    This is the best insurance experience I have had. I have been a homeowner for 20+ years and have had two teen drivers. Michelle and all the employees are polite, knowledgeable and listen to my needs. They work to save me money and keep me protected. I never hesitate to refer this agency.

  • en

    Tina Capotosto


    Steve Pescetti's office is fantastic! I have been working with agent Nick Ancona on a new policy and he was responsive, prompt and very professional! When switching over to state farm my other insurance agency was giving me a hard time but Steve and his staff were extremely helpful making the transition easy and stress free! Coming to a new company, I thought I would pushed into buying life, car, renters and homeowners etc. Although i was not pushed into anything i was given all my options and was very happy to combine my homeowners and car insurance due to the outstanding quotes i was given. I highly recommend Steve Pescetti and his team for all your insurance needs!

  • en

    Riley Long


    Fantastic experience! I have recommended to multiple people to use this agency and they have all been more than satisfied with the service they have received! Agent Nick Ancona went above and beyond any of my expectations and was such a pleasure to work with. He was easy to contact on multiple occasions and maintained a level of professionalism that was impressive. They worked with me and made the process seamless, very quick and efficient, but also thorough with all of the details that needed to be taken care of. I continue to work with them for all of my needs and recommending them to others. I plan to continue my service with them indefinitely and for other future needs I may have as time goes on. Excellent service all around!

  • en

    Christopher Nicholas


    What can i say about my man Mr Pescetti. All around an amazing human being and the best insurance agent i have ever met in my entire life . if you have this wonderful man as your agent you are the luckiest person in the world.

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