Steamship coffee & tea w Minneapolis

Stany ZjednoczoneSteamship coffee & tea



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711, West Lake Street, 55408, Minneapolis, Hennepin County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 612-844-1011
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 44.9482496, Longitude: -93.2888634

komentarze 5

  • en



    Place has a damp, nasty feeling too it. Owner of the place is hostile and sits around watching you. Barista is uptight. The place is nearly empty, except for a few weird Magic the Gathering people. Everyone was surprised I was there for coffee. Most things here are also broken. Response to Owner: I did not mistake you for anyone else. No one abused your baristas, they are just uptight. What would make you think I would ever come here again, seeing as I gave you a one star review?

  • Erin Y

    Erin Y


    Easily one of the best coffee shops in the area. The atmosphere is super chill and unique since it's attached to a board game shop, but because of that they have games you can play while drinking your coffee! The barista is the friendliest guy you'll ever meet, and goes out of his way to customize your drinks to something you will like. I've never had something here I don't like, but the cafe latte is probably my favorite.

  • Keila Saucedo

    Keila Saucedo


    My favorite coffee in the city of Minneapolis! They cater so well to my dairy and nut allergies. The barista's are attentive and so friendly, they are affectionately and aptly nick-named 'the mom of the Calhoun building'. LGBTQ+ inclusive!

  • en

    Michael Freeman


    Sure everybody has their favorite coffee shop! I have to walk a little bit further to this one, worth every penny. I have probably drink at least a quarter of the options available at this place. The captain special is one of my top favorites it just always seems to be the best of everyone's favorite mocha type fancy coffees. and then they added the awesomeness of tabletop games, mind blown.

  • en

    Jessica Hamby


    This was a fun place to visit for the first time. Me and my girlfriend decided to come here because she purchased a Groupon online for getting a deal which I can't remember what it was anymore however it involved a drink and Waffles. The waffles were simple but surprisingly very good. The space seems to be shared with a large gaming area such as board games and magic cards Pokemon Etc, as well as some people painting small figurines. Very unique and definitely one of a kind for this area. Only thing that could possibly make it better for me or other average customers would be dedicating a bit more space to dining because 10% or less is dedicated to dining,the rest being reserved for gaming.

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