State Auto Spring in Everett

Vereinigte StaatenState Auto Spring



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447, 2nd Street, 02149, Everett, Middlesex County, US United States
kontakte telefon: +1 617-387-0600
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 42.4019583, Longitude: -71.0520335

kommentare 5

  • john mucci

    john mucci


    Honestly it's the only place to get a real alignment on your vehicle all the other places have no clue what they're doing I guess I'd have to say they're the best

  • Jim F

    Jim F


    The mechanics you wish to have for life.

  • Matt Grey

    Matt Grey


    State Spring has been around for a while. I dont know them personally, but I know State Spring has a reputation of being a fair and honest shop. I end up here once every few years to do something to one of the cars & I know they won't try to mark up my bill or do unnecessary work. They're honest & will tell you what needs to be done/advise what to watch out for/what needs to be done in the next 3 months/what to do in about 10kmiles. They do a quality job at a fair price and know they're better off with happy customers and repeat business rather then a single over inflated bill. 10/12 UPDATE/EDIT. I had some work that had to be done. Got a quote which was a fair, competitive price. I also know they'll do better work than a corner service station because they specialize in this work so I had it done. When I picked up the car, asked about the job and they told me how it took more than they estimated. More labor and parts. They've always been fair so I didn't think it was 'boasting'/padding an invoice or up charging. I just figured they'd charge me a fair price. I was a little surprised when the amt due was the estimate. I stated "I thought it was more." He just nodded no and waved it off.

  • en

    Rich Smith


    I have been doing business with State Spring for over four decades.Fair ,honest experts !

  • en

    steve hynes


    You will always get fair honest and quality work done here

nächste Autoreparatur

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