Starwood Capital Group Global w Greenwich

Stany ZjednoczoneStarwood Capital Group Global


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591, West Putnam Avenue, 06830, Greenwich, Fairfield County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 203-422-7700
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.0178496, Longitude: -73.647521

komentarze 1

  • Metals Of Milky Way

    Metals Of Milky Way


    I hope 2 acomplish at least 2 things with this review one a outcome, in the time I have spent in trying to create a firm business contact and 2 for others 2 see outcome and judge if they feel Starwood capitol is respectable enough 2 do business with. Is barry a man who is in it for himself? 16 years ago he asked for a painting of mine and his secratery mocked that it ever existed for years. (She said she got the package I sent her and a email about a art contest). Then he copied a design I made of a dresser and used it for the front desk of the W were I meet him.So let's take in a account that nobody takes a artist who has not made it seriously, or 2 busy, or they forgot , or barry put Chicago on the photos of the dresser, That they did lose the painting, that they didn't have time to reply about the contest, that , that that, they did not make good on there promise 2 pay for the painting because they forgot. Again all these things were asked for the same way you receive a catalog it's a form of business transaction with 2 deferences 1 the design of the dresser was used in Chicago at the very place I worked and 2 the very place in Wicth I worked was 2 be for people like me meaning the W was his idea of a concept in which art controlled the hotel, which leads me to believe that he is not standing by his original concept because he used a artist idea Mine without my knowledge of him doing so I have only seen 3 designs even similar 2 mine and only and all three put together equal mine( Minus 25%) 9 years ago his personal secretary said they would give me money for the painting that they lost well I told him no because I didn't need the money that point in time well I did but I didn't and I was trying to show him that well yes money is important but I still wanted to do some business with him some point in time like ( the next day hopefully) I need the money now for a science project and ask them for it (no price tag meaning I would let them decide) and to no prevail . I may post a photoit'll be a couple weeks till I do if I do it will be the back side of the dresser and I did screw up on it and I told barry that I did I had 2 add the curved panels 2 it (the black drawers) because this was a little 2 much saging and flex ( it was suppose 2 look like it was levitating still does but at about 60% less) i have not had enough money 2 do another one) Oh ya check out my you tube chanel.

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