Starbucks w Fort Worth

Stany ZjednoczoneStarbucks



🕗 godziny otwarcia

8601, South Freeway, 76134, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 817-551-2974
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 32.6285043, Longitude: -97.3205488

komentarze 5

  • Ashtyn Burks

    Ashtyn Burks


    Bubbly employees, very personable. My order is never wrong & is always FAST. I go here everyday before work.

  • en



    3 WEEK UPDATE AT BOTTOM..LOL Can't count how many of these I have travelled into, rarely they have zero fresh brewed coffee. And you are the only one at the counter ordering. "Do you have any hot coffee?"..."No.." So after 10 minutes of the grinding, brewing process I get my coffee. Nice, thanks. Its the first time I wasnt "comped" on the house, like any other greater store in the chain. Crazy. ************************ So it's three weeks later by coincidence. I stopped at this location after leaving Home Depot the other side of the freeway. 2 customers at the counter the gal orders and then I'm next. Absolutely no coffee brewed three weeks dead and empty franchise store. So I use the gift card but my coffee Grande left $2 tip in the Box waited for him to grind the beans through the coffee. In business you either have continuity in your policy. Any place I've had one and they have to make a pot that usually comp coffee So I get my coffee and mention to another gal I think she might have been a supervisor about usually if you have to wait 10 minutes for a cup of coffee in an empty building they usually come pit to what she's just said oh I'm sorry. Me no likey does location in South Fort Worth. good luck y'all

  • Lanelle Devlin

    Lanelle Devlin


    Friendly staff, standard and consistent Starbucks. Have been 5 times, and always quick service with a smile

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    Darryl LaChapelle


    The coffee always tastes old. Might as well go to McDonald’s next door for half the price at-least they are consistent.

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    Larissa Mooring


    I order the same thing every time I go and at first this was the top Starbucks that I would go to.. after a few months of me boasting about how well they make my drink I had to stop going there. I'm extremely annoyed that I pay almost $6 for some warm milk with a tad bit of whip cream. It shouldn't be that hard to make a white chocolate mocha yall... lost my business for good after today.

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