Starbucks w Great Neck

Stany ZjednoczoneStarbucks



🕗 godziny otwarcia

6, Great Neck Road, 11021, Great Neck, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-487-4944
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.785992, Longitude: -73.7259629

komentarze 5

  • Katherine Kaplan

    Katherine Kaplan


    Nice location in the plaza shopping area. Large with a lot of seating. My frap turned out great, not artificial tasting.

  • Samuel Wong

    Samuel Wong


    I order Starbucks sometimes before or after I head to Planet Fitness. I order through my phone when I park or when I am about to leave the gym. My orders are always ready when I get to Starbucks except for one time when they forgot to check the mobile order machine. On one or two occasions they messed up my order. I've probably ordered more than 100x from this Starbucks so the mishaps are negligible. This place deserves 5 stars!

  • Paul Steil

    Paul Steil


    It's your basic Starbucks. At times service is good and at times it's a bit rough.

  • Alina T

    Alina T


    Lines need to go faster and shop needs to be more clean and organized. Start needs to be a bit nicer too, if I'm posting $4+for coffee that I have to put milk and sugar in myself.

  • en

    Welson Chang


    Located in a strip mall so if you're driving in from the Long Island Expressway, the sign will be hard to see. Coming from other directions, the sign is easy to see. Green tea lattes are great here. Parking is free and plentiful on weekends when I go there. Seating is limited as it's usually packed with high school kids.

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