Starbucks i Fresno

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterStarbucks



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3045, East Tulare Avenue, 93721, Fresno, Fresno County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 559-441-0355
internet side:
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Latitude: 36.7434232, Longitude: -119.773519

kommentar 5

  • K1N9 Psycho

    K1N9 Psycho


    The burgers here are amazing. They are a little pricey but i say they are worth it

  • Atam Singh

    Atam Singh


    My Cousin always has crazy orders but they always come out tasting the best at this location!

  • Gabriel Avalos

    Gabriel Avalos


    Awasome location downtown. It is right by the freeway, but you cannot see it from the freeway. You have to get off on the Tulare st. exit from the 41. Service is pretty decent, even during a busy morning. And if this location is too busy for you, then head east on Tulare st, and there is another Starbucks about a minute away. The service there is just as good.

  • Richard Blair

    Richard Blair


    Great staff dynamic, and also very friendly. The food is your average Starbucks food, and I doubt they can change anything about that. Otherwise, it is typically given very quickly, and the coffee is decent.

  • en

    deborah knight


    Starbucks has friendly and welcoming people working within their establishment. I love stepping through the doors of Starbuck being greeted with a warm smile and the aroma of the flavor of the month. Keeping doing great and greatness will continue to follow.

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