Starbucks w Cupertino

Stany ZjednoczoneStarbucks



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22390, Homestead Road, 95014, Cupertino, Santa Clara County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 408-746-0151
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 37.3371695, Longitude: -122.0667461

komentarze 5

  • David Radtke

    David Radtke


    This was my favorites Starbucks because of pleasant outdoor seating area. Used to come here once or twice month, but I hate most of the music they play now. Might check back in 6 months or so to see if things change. (Came back and dropped another star. Won’t be back for at least a year) 4 stars for generic Starbucks. Plus one star for outdoor seating. Minus two stars for music. (Previously dropped one star) For me the music is dealbreaker. I know musical taste is subjective but I find it impossible to enjoy sitting on their patio with that god awful music playing. So the added star for outdoor seating is worthless.

  • LB



    Met a colleague here for a working meeting. It is in a strip mall right off the freeway so it's super convenient. Plus there's a TJs so you can get snacks. Two restrooms. And some small tables inside (2 person) and a bunch of tables outside. Nothing special, just your usual Starbs but it was perfect for my needs (convenient, free parking, bathroom, wi-fi).

  • T V

    T V


    Picturesque and pleasant outdoor patio. Birds using the bird bath. Pretty good job using greenery to screen off the parking lots, but the glare from the uphill lot is fierce. Always clean and the servers are always friendly and efficient.

  • Brendan



    Neighborhood Starbucks with ample parking, safe neighborhood, plenty of outdoor seating (they have a dedicated patio, and lots of indoor seating. The service here is excellent, fast, and what you would expect from a Starbucks. They have about 5 small tables indoors as well as 6 tables outdoors with umbrellas. I wouldn’t come here to work as they do miss some of the more comfortable working setups some other locations have, but it’s perfect for a short meeting with a friend. Coffee was well made.

  • Ashley Vanni

    Ashley Vanni


    My Little Remote Work Haven: This Starbucks in particular is so sweet. It’s about a mile walk each way from my house, so it gets in a gentle cardio round for me. I bring my bluetooth keyboard and ipad, iphone, and some notebooks and pens and get things done. Sometimes a book to read as well. I like this location so much because there is an outdoor patio with tables and chairs and umbrellas, spanish style and it’s a nice quiet area to soak up some sun. The staff is friendly and thoughtful, as I am a regular at this location they always greet me and sometimes share free samples. I love the iced coffee and stevia combo (stevia kills Lyme disease) and once in a while I enjoy the Cacao Banana & Seed with Coconut Milk Protein Shake (I have dairy allergies and surprisingly this shake is dairy free even the plant based protein powder no whey). There are tables and chairs indoors as well with numerous outlets for charging your electronics. They used to have a better layout of the chairs, they changed the setup recently and it doesn’t flow as well and is not as homely (I have heard other regulars talk about this as well). The location is in South Los Altos so a lot of locals will come here to do remote work and business professionals who are working away from the office in between their numerous locations. A good crowd here for networking and making friends. A little more “personable” than your average Starbucks and more coffee house like than corporate, which I love.

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