Starbucks w San Jose

Stany ZjednoczoneStarbucks



🕗 godziny otwarcia

175, Curtner Avenue, 95125, San Jose, Santa Clara County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 408-971-1752
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 37.3021152, Longitude: -121.864305

komentarze 5

  • Dennis Ayala

    Dennis Ayala


    Love this Starbucks. Great seating. Fun and friendly baristas. Lots of products to purchase.

  • en

    Jessica Soto


    Love the chai tea with soy milk ....strawberry refresher ...berry hibiscus (check spelling) and caramel machiatto

  • w vincent

    w vincent


    No one in line, service was sub-par, the girl looked at me like she didn't understand English! She also could not follow simple instructions (I only want the cup filled up 1/2 way with coffee was clearly too difficult!) The store was dirty, trash cans were over flowing and when i mentioned that the coffee station trash was over flowing the barista snapped at me "I know" even though there were no drinks to be made behind mine. The half & half was empty, and the girl snapped at me as well for asking for a new one. The is one of the worst run Starbucks I have seen in a very long time!

  • Jorge De La Rosa

    Jorge De La Rosa


    Good service friendly staff. They can get pretty busy but they keep their cool.

  • en

    melissa stuff


    If you can avoid coming here before 9 AM, you can save a lot of time by not standing in a long line. They’ve also ran out of warm panini’s and pastry’s. The baristas make the drinks quick, and I haven’t had to ask for a remake. If you’re a regular, you can catch Paul in the store, not sure if he’s the store manager, but he will greet the regulars by first name. Thanks for your professionalism Paul!

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