Starbucks w Denver

Stany ZjednoczoneStarbucks



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1406, Larimer St, 80202, Denver, Denver County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 303-446-8534
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 39.7474354, Longitude: -104.9994915

komentarze 5

  • Jenna Loesch

    Jenna Loesch


    The woman that took our order would not take it how I wanted it. I asked for 5 pumps of sweetener in the strawberry acai refresher and she kept informing me that it does not come with sweetener. I told her I knew that, but that I wanted to add it. She told me that I was probably thinking of the green tea. I finally just gave up since she obviously did not want to give me what I wanted. My little sister ended up not liking the drink, and I knew she wouldn't. The customer is not always right, but in some cases it's not hard to just give them what they want. Don't get an attitude and just refuse what they want.

  • Lance Fitzgerald

    Lance Fitzgerald


    Most Starbucks are pretty good. Some are exceptional, like this one and their staff period always a smile on their faces always happy to help.

  • Sarah Gonsalves

    Sarah Gonsalves


    I went here today, like I do most school days and the service was terrible. The 2 ladies behind the counter forgot to make multiple people’s drinks, and I had to go up and say I order a tea because she never made it and was just wiping down the counter. I then had to repeat my whole order and she gave a a half empty trienta tea...and gave me a rude remark when I asked for it to be filled completely because I paid for a full drink.

  • Krista Wojciechowski

    Krista Wojciechowski


    My favorite Starbucks location!! Everyone on the team is absolutely wonderful. They are all so friendly and I've never had an issue with an order. I normally stop over here during the day to get a quick break from my routine. While it can be busy at times, all of the baristas are so quick at making drinks, it's like there isn't a line at all!

  • Elena Palnova

    Elena Palnova


    Great, yummy, and quick service. The employees really care and remember you even on the busiest days.

najbliższy Kawiarnia

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