Starbucks w Aurora

Stany ZjednoczoneStarbucks



🕗 godziny otwarcia

13881, East Mississippi Avenue, 80012, Aurora, Arapahoe County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 720-899-6364
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 39.6977353, Longitude: -104.8265484

komentarze 5

  • Allie Mitchell

    Allie Mitchell


    This is a nice starbucks. The baristas are friendly and quick, and this is a reserve store so you can get clover brewed coffee. I have been curious to try it. It seems like it's always fairly busy, but there is normally not a long wait. But seating can get thin.

  • Marada Monroe

    Marada Monroe


    Good staff! They are usually busy but still quick and friendly :)

  • Adam Todorov

    Adam Todorov


    Everybody knows that this Starbucks is the best coffee and this place is where all the magic happens with there fast friendly professional staff modern coffee shop feel wifi many different coffee selections and the place is always clean been coming here a long time since they first opened the store great job everyone and keep up the hard work thank you Starbucks

  • Debra Johnson

    Debra Johnson


    Excellent customer service. I am not a let's go spend money on coffee person. I don't like coffee. Every now and then I will buy a hot chocolate. The employees here were very friendly. They actually made my hot chocolate extra hot like I asked.

  • Amanda Jabori

    Amanda Jabori


    I got stuck in the driveway while it was snowing, didn't expect it to happen since I had been driving in it for years. There were 2 people who helped me get out as well as one of the employees. I'm very thankful for the help and I definately didn't want to be stuck in the cold with my daughter in the car with me. *fyi-if the woman who helped reads this, you left your gloves in my seat, I didn't notice until I got home. I will be bringing them back to this Starbucks*

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