Starbucks w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneStarbucks



🕗 godziny otwarcia

13-25, Astor Place, 10003, New York, New York County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 212-982-3753
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7300708, Longitude: -73.9916159

komentarze 5

  • en

    JO H


    Decent music, close to the R and 6 trains, near a Kmart and a Walgreen's, border between alphabet city and NYU campuses. Bathroom lines tend to be long, they are never cleaned often enough. Just hired a bunch of new staff so the wait for food is pretty long as well.

  • en

    kate FG


    Good place... You can enjoy your coffle in this lovely place... If there is sun also you enjoy warm sun

  • Chloe Belt

    Chloe Belt


    One of my favorite Starbucks! Insanely big - usually never have an issue with finding a place to sit. You can do mobile orders here which is helpful & it’s in a great area!

  • en

    Lou R.


    Nice location, decor is classic Starbucks but fits the space nicely. Service was speedy and accurate. Amenities for patrons are slightly lacking for such a notable location, very few outlets. Had planned to stay longer but was forced to leave when battery ran out. Maybe an effective turnover strategy, but not great for customer retention.

  • Shaun Skura

    Shaun Skura


    One of my favorites in the chain! This neighborhood install is bustling with NYU students, locals, tourists and the typical NYC crazy’s. All the favorites are found here but due to this location they have truly nailed down the expedited service! Mornings the lines move fast despite how long they look. Lots of seating as well however outlets are a rare find unless you’re along the side booths near the restrooms. One of the best Starbucks in NY!

najbliższy Kawiarnia

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