Starbucks en Roanoke

Estados UnidosStarbucks



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1050, U.S. 377, 76262, Roanoke, Denton County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 682-351-4767
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.0087433, Longitude: -97.2236465

comentarios 5

  • Bryan Seale

    Bryan Seale


    Had a blue berry scone and white choclate mochata this morning. Thango was awesome and friendly. The service was speedy and faster than I have had in most Starbucks.

  • Ashley Deskewies

    Ashley Deskewies


    3rd time to visit and the order not only was not made right but they gave me attitude when I asked them to make it again. I get the same thing 2-3 times a week no matter what location . For some reason this location likes to switch cold brew for iced coffee and thinks you won’t notice that or if there is espresso in your drink. I kept trying because this stop is on the way to work for me but I will never go here again.

  • en

    Lorrie Pyron


    Love everything about them. I've had my order paid for, so I've paid it forward!!

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    Vicci James


    I am a Starbucks fanatic! I love it when they make my favorite drink to perfection, and this Starbucks did! 😊

  • Carson vlogs meek

    Carson vlogs meek


    This is my absolute favorite location. They are super organized even at peak times. Very friendly baristas! If I’d realized I was going to be asked to survey I would have snapped a picture..they’re all wonderful, but one young man always always has an awesome smile. What better way to start your day than coffee and smiles!!

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