Star Transmissions i Farmingdale

Forenede StaterStar Transmissions



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994, Fulton Street, 11735, Farmingdale, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 631-957-3515
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.72495, Longitude: -73.434946

kommentar 5

  • en

    rob cooney


    Great staff, honest and helpful, not pushy. Took a look at my car and explained the problem and the solution. They even suggested other options which didn't always include their shop. Great place to have your transmission worked on.

  • en

    Jonathan Sawicki


    Fast service great guys had my plow truck down because of tranny leak fixed it same day and got me on the road highly recommend the shop

  • en

    Bill Lagomarsino


    I've been dealing with them for years for my personal vehicles and all my company vehicles. Great bunch of people.

  • Bob S

    Bob S


    Top notch mechanics. Quick turnaround time. Fair prices.

  • love Jones

    love Jones


    So i took my car to them because I had no clue what was wrong and was concerned it was going to be the transmission. They looked at it for free. They told me the shaking would be better by getting and alignment and four new tires. They even recommended I goto somewhere like pep boys. i ended up going to mavis, but anyway. They were nice. Honest. And no hassle. No games.

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