Star Fiat w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneStar Fiat



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21144, Jamaica Avenue, 11428, Queens County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-479-6200
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7153237, Longitude: -73.7478345

komentarze 5

  • Hieratic Master

    Hieratic Master


    I call twice to this place to place an appointment for my Fiat car. First they told me to hold but about 10 minute of silence, they hung up on me. When I try to call again, they just refuse to pickup my call!

  • zh-Hant

    simon si



  • en

    Leiby Deutsch


    I see all other reviews here are only 1 star so let me tell my experience, I came to pick a car for a new customer my company sent me down and service was good, could be faster, small location, otherwise everything was as usual.

  • en

    Dan G.


    I just left this dealer today. The salesman refused to let me do a test drive on a fiat 500 and spider unless I was willing to commit to a deal and do a credit app with them first. He said either that or make an appointment and come back. This guy actually started to argue with me about a simple test drive to see if a fiat was the right car for me. Horrible customer service. Salesman had a nasty attitude from the start. This guys act like they are the only dealer in NY. I already have my loan and will buy hopefully today from somewhere else.

  • en

    Susan Lai


    I recently brought a Fiat from this dealership, and had the worst experience ever!! At the end of the sale, the sales even asked me to put the license plate on myself. Really?! The day I picked up my car I realized one of the small parts by the trunk area was damaged. They said not to worry and would order a new replacement for me. Guess what...another nightmare!! I called at least 5 times about the replacement part. But besides attitudes, I got no solution from them. I had to call the Fiat general customer service to try to get the problem resolved. If you are looking for a good, reliable and knowledgeable car dealership, please go somewhere else.

najbliższy Dealer samochodowy

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